Category General SEO

ChocBait V: The ChocBait Strikes Back

LondonSEO pissups are things everyone in the SEO community has come to look forward to. Not only are they a chance to see people you likely haven�t seen since the last conference you went to, it�s also a chance to…

Lucky 7 Conference Tips

A few weeks back, I spoke at a small conference in Las Vegas for the Forex market called the Forex Affiliate Conference, which is run by the guys from the Casino Affiliate Conference. It was the smallest conference I ever…

The formal Business Article

When I joined, Lisa announced that new SEO chick Judith Lewis was joining and yadda yadda yadda but I started out talking all business and not much fun SEO – and here I go again! One of the areas I…

Branding Your Name

Many posts talk about branding…branding is an utterly fascinating avenue to consider when you’re marketing, whether online or offline, but it’s not as easy to do well as you might think. When we think of branding, we tend to think…

The Danger of Online Censorship

If you’ll recall, the internet used to be somewhat free of censorship, back before anyone realized how powerful it would become. It’s all relative of course, but it was harder to control online information than it was to control print…

SEO Sheep are Baaaaaaad

In an industry as innovative as online marketing, why do we fall in line behind certain concepts and blindly follow rules set up by massive corporations? I saw a comment recently that asked “why are you letting Google tell you…

How To Interpret What Your Clients Want

For those about to take on clients, I salute you. Because honestly, many of them suck (all present clients excluded, naturally.) The key to effective SEO, and keeping a client, is knowing how to avoid the common pitfalls of SEO-client…