Category General SEO

New SEO Chicks Guest Blogger Series

Sorry for the non-witty title. I struggled with “The SEO Chicks Want More Girls” but that didn’t sound quite right… The SEO Chicks are proud to introduce a new guest blogger section because a) we’re tired of writing all the…

How To Act Right in Vegas

Since some of you may be going to PubCon and staying at the very posh Wynn (the hotel of choice for the SEO Chicks minus one), I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you some pointers and let you…

Pessimism Really Can Pay (Per Click)

Types of Matches in AdWords There are 4 types of matches that you can use in Google AdWords: Broad Match, Exact Match, Phrase Match, and Negative Keyword. I can tell you that from my own experience, I have (many times)…

The New SEO Chicks interviewed on Searchcowboys

Last night myself and Bas van den Beld from Searchcowboys interviewed the two new SEO-Chicks; Nichola and Sarah. It was an informal interview about the SEO blogging competition itself, about both the new bloggers and their views on amongst other…

The Long Cold Wintery Days of SEO

Long, cold winters often lead to baby booms 9 months later. During the winter, lovers have no other distractions to prevent them from showing off their bedroom prowess. Of course, each lover’s prowess is probably a measure of how many…

Knowing Why Is As Important As What

A thought occurred to me yesterday, that I just had to tweet, “One of the biggest causes of SEO mistakes is because people know what to do but not why they need to do it”. I had a load of great responses…

Love is in the air…

The setting – Fiesole, Italy The characters – playing the fiery viking is LisaD and the swashbuckling hero Jon Myers The action – a romantic dinner, a romantic setting, a romance made in SEO. What could possibly come of something…