Category General SEO

Are Friends Electric?

In case you happen to be thinking “how can Julie work a song by Gary Numan into a post?” here you go…the title is my favorite Gary Numan song (Gary rules! go watch his stuff on YouTube) and since I’ve…

I'd Do Anything For SEO But I Won't Do THAT

Yes, there are some things that even I won’t do. Unfortunately, I have lowered myself to using Meatloaf (the singer, not the food product) as inspiration so I’ll have to check that one off the list…Joe Strummer is turning over…

deCabbit About Town… an da Wurld

Seems shooting off my gob is becoming a habit – an addictive one at that.  Knowing how much trouble my mouth can get me in, I decided to channel it in to something more productive.  So I’m doing some speaking…

May the force be with me =)

I’m going for a long needed holiday tomorrow, back home to Norway, . I feel like I’ve been running around like a headless chicken for the last few weeks =) Time for some relaxing, my mothers cooking, my steph fathers…

Ramblings of a gadget pumped SEO Chick

I’m sitting in a cafe, its 4th of January 2008. Working from a cafe as the wireless connection in my office is not working. A little bit of a ironic start to the new year, an interactive department without internet…

Imitate & Flatter – Copy & Infuriate

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery but copying your competitors entire site isnt. It may seem like they have what you need to rank well butrankingsaren’t just about on page content anymore. Spying on the competition is easy…

4 Ways To Improve The SEO Chicks Blog

The SEO Chicks have been neutered! Wait, that’s not right. We’ve been tagged for a meme by none other than my fellow redheaded primate freak Rhea Drysdale. Our subject? 4 Ways To Improve This Blog. Short and sweet, just like…