Category General SEO

Time To Count Your PageRank Losses

It’s all over the blogosphere (a word that I hate but hey, it works here) that PageRank has decreased for many sites recently, possibly due to them being penalized for buying links. Google isn’t confirming the reason right now. Normally…

You Are What You Search

When I was a youngster, my grandma always said, or yelled rather, “you’re gonna turn into a damned grilled cheese sandwich!” because I ate them constantly. At first I had lovely visions of being all gooey and buttery but then…

Google on the grapevine…

I recently overheard (hence the reference to ‘grapevines’ in my title ;o) two interesting facts about how Google evaluates the legitimacy of a site. So – being a more of a marketing orientated person than an SEO one, I wanted…

Just In Time Vs. Just In Case Marketing

Before I begin, I have a confession to make: I got the idea for this piece from Oprah magazine. That being said, if you choose to continue to read, thank you. Just in time marketing means understanding that you need…

B2B Marketing Awards

Last night I attended the B2B Marketing Awards in London, and it was an awesome night. All dressed up like cindafuckinrella =) The agency I work for, Base One, was nominated in quite a few categories and won “B2B Agency…

IT's Not Always About Intent

I learned a valuable lesson recently (yes, just one)…most things in life are not about intent, they’re about reaction. My mouth once again got me into trouble last week, as I said something that was interpreted totally differently than I…

Top 10 Future Career Paths for Prior SEOs

I’m so fascinated by the prior careers of the SEOs that I know. My own background is in anthropology and English lit, with a brief stint in social work that led me to then go into programming for assistive technology.…

Drink For Charity!

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Drink For Charity: 1. Drinking is fun, and since it is for charity, it is more than a networking opportunity, it is a write-off. 2.Chance to see your favorite male SEOs wear womens clothing…