Category General SEO

SEO Luddites: The Disgrace, My GOD

In case you aren’t married to a man who constantly refers to you as a Luddite, let me first explain what a Luddite is, all without going into any sort of intricate detail: it’s someone who doesn’t much care for…

The Secret Diary Of An On-Call Girl

The call came late into the evening. One of my clients who I had been involved with from almost the time I started was frantic on the other end of the phone. He sounded stressed as he breathed “I need…

Where Are Your Manners?

It may not seem evident all the time, as I’d like, but I really do place a high value on civility. With the recent blog posts about how certain people in the SEO industry are constantly being harrassed by other…

How Not To Get Your Comment Approved

We have been getting a surge of comment spam that is obviously being done by very apologetic individuals. As a good Southerner, I appreciate the manners involved but let me list out a few things that won’t get you the…

SEO – Where Does It End?

When I write about SEO, or when I perform it, it is often broken up into a set of discreet tasks. SEO is this, SEO is that, SEO is the other. Yadda yadda yadda. But what I’ve always believed, and…

Chocbait – Miserable Failure?

Chocolate makes me happy. It says so on my Moo cards and so I thought after seeing how much fun Chris Hooley seemed to have with drinkbait that I would shamelessly rip off errr� borrow that template and try and…

Always Avoid Girls with Bad Reputations

Reputation management has been a lively topic of conversation recently…and a very enlightening one. Vanessa Fox has a good piece on reputation management that I especially recommend and not just because she’s a girl. Li Evans and others on Search…