Category General SEO

Who Loves Ya Baby?

More importantly, who loves affiliates? No one loves affiliates like we do – I’m telling ya! Not only do I get shipped around to talk to affiliates at conferences but we bring the loving home to Jolly Ol’ for ya!…

Getting Creative with Search

Search as an industry can be a bit inward looking. Take me for example – I can’t remember the last conversation I had with someone outside the industry. In fact, this last trip to Toronto, I mainly hung out with…

Cat Sick Anyone?

OK, this one ain’t that relevant to much on our site, but it’s Friday, and when I read this story, I couldn’t stop laughing – so that’s as appropriate as it will get for the start of the week end……

Google: The Next MSN?

Is Google going to be the next MSN? I would like to apologize for my lack of a witty title here…when Microsoft is involved, my brain kind of shuts down. If you’re one of the rare, rare people who actually…

This Post Will Self-Destruct in 30 Seconds

Nothing in this field ever stays the same. What’s considered white-hat becomes black-hat, the engines like a hyphenated URL one day and then it starts to look spammy, Coldfusion is no longer cool (was it ever?), and stupid is the…

Link Love from

Perusing webmaster tools, as I am wont to do of a lunch hour, I noticed that seems to be giving us some links love. Now, as loved as the B2B marketing, advertising and design site I work for is,…

Kings of the Crawl Frontier

Jim Boykin has an utterly fantastic new SEO tool that lets you view your outbound links. I have been on it like a hobo on a ham sandwich. This was of such interest to me because I honestly have not…

When You Walk Away I Will NoFollow

I know (or hope to god) that everyone knows what a nofollow is…if you don’t, you just slap a little rel=”nofollow” into your code and a search engine should not influence the link target’s ranking. You can do this if…

Lordy Lordy This Feckin' Site's 40!

I wrote about this topic recently for Anita’s site, However, I had a discussion a few days ago with another SEO about this and the person was unaware of the “old site” angle so I thought I’d do a…

What A Waste…Oh The SEO!!

Is SEO ever a waste of time and/or money? American Express certainly seems to think so, even going so far as to suggest that search engine specialists will naturally try to trick the filtering techniques of engines and are likely…